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Showing posts from September, 2024

Stones in the way

Buy  my books   " Joy in the Journey "  and  " Song in the Night" on Amazon now 20% goes to missions               Experiencing sound quality issues?  Please Click here  Stones in the way    Around 600BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded Judah and people were taken as captives to Babylon. The city of Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed into a heap of stones. Around 500 BC, a leader by name Zerubbabel went to rebuild with about 50,000 Israelites but got discouraged and quit. Later, Haggai and Zechariah tried and could not finish. Around 400 BC, the Persians took over Babylon and Nehemiah was chosen as a cupbearer to the King and later a governor (Nehemiah 1:11). His life in a foreign land was going well. When he heard about the condition of Jerusalem, he sat down and wept; he fasted and prayed. Then gathered his leaders and said, "come, let us rebuild Jerusalem so that we will no longer be in disgrace". When news of s