Mile markers are stones buried on the sides of highways that help us to determine direction and distance when we travel. In the USA, they generally increase from the South to the North,and from the West towards East. The exit numbers are generally lined up with mile markers so that you can calculate how long you have travelled and how much distance is left to the destination. Without them, we become lost and vulnerable. If you call for emergency help, they will ask your location about your mile marker or exit number to get to you quickly. These exit numbers give us a sense of comfort and peace in knowing where we are and what direction we are heading.
The prophet Samuel set up a stone to commemorate the victory over the Philistines at Mizpah (1 Samuel 7:12). He called it Ebenezer which means 'thus far the Lord has helped us.' It is a mile marker in his life and the peoples' lives. We all have mile markers like birthday, firstday of school, sweet 16, graduation, marriage, first job, first home, having children, their graduations, their childrens' birth and the list goes on. Retirement, social security, old age, sickness and death are important mile markers also. Some of them may be markers of successes and celebration while others can be of upsets and failures just like the highway mile markers can be in good and beautiful spots, others are in lonely or wooded parts. Some are in dark areas, and some are in bright areas. But through it all, we are being shaped into the persons who we eventually become.
Johan was born on April 29, 2018 in an unfamiliar place to a group of strangers he saw when he opened his eyes.Those strangers were actully his family waiting for his appearance into this world who made sure he got the greatest care and love possible on this earth. To them, Johan was not a stranger but the beloved child, a gift of God. That day was a mile marker in the journey of his life and for his parents, grand parents, uncles, and aunts and many many others like all of us here and in fact for the world itself. Today is another mile marker in little baby Johan’s life when the church is gathered here to witness his baptism. He is being welcomed to a larger family of God along with generations of others who have accepted the baptism.
I comment Jijo and Shine for their decision to baptize Johan as an infant. Many people may have different opinions about the kinds of baptisms, but all Christians everywhere agree on having baptized in water and the spirit. Some may say that they will wait till the children grow up and make decisions for themselves. We don't do that when it comes to sending our kids to school or taking them to the doctor or getting vaccinations. As parents, we make many decisions for our children in matters of health, safety, education and many others. Of course, they may later reject what we have done for them. But, that possibility does not relieve us of the responsibility to do all that we can to bring them to the family of God. We should not wait for our children to decide about being in the family of God just as we dont wait for them to decide if they would like to be a part of our human family.
There are two sacraments instituted by all Christians churches - baptism and holy communion. All other rites are called ordinances - based on human act. Both Baptism and Holy communion are witnessing to the means of Grace of God. They are both acts of God and not of man and none of these sacraments is a of a ticket to heaven. That is why how we administer baptism is not impotant, just like we differ in the way we take holy communion. Being a symbol, baptism is needed only one time. It does not matter if you are immersed or sprinkled or dipped or spryed or wiped. It does not matter how long you are under water or who has done your baptism. "He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the baptism of regeneration (baptism) and renewing by the Holy Spirit." (Titus 3:5-7). Salvation is through the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. Baptism does not cleanse from sin, rather it is a witness to the cleansing. Jesus received baptism not for the resmission of sin because He was sinless. He did so to identify with us.
Baptism declares the identity as a child of God. When Jesus was baptized in Jordan reiver, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus at his baptism, and a voice came from heaven. Luke 3 and Mark 1 record the voice as addressing Jesus by saying "You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased", while in Matthew 3 the voice seems to address the crowd "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased". I take it as it was addressed to Jesus as God’s affirmation and the crowd that witnessed heard as declaration to them. Through baptism, God conveys to us our identity as God’s beloved children and we are precious to God.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me". Faith is not merely a product of reason but relation. It is a relationship of love and trust, a relationship which is not limited to the mind, and children know love and trust more than adults. When Jesus commands his disciples to let the children come to him and not hinder them, he is calling the disciples (and us) to do more than just step aside and hope kids make it to Jesus on their own. He is calling us to work to help children come to Christ. That responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents as well as every disciple of Christ. We should feel a sense of urgency to reach out to those who have never been baptized.
To the church assembled here today, we use this time to remember our own baptismal covenants that by dying with Jesus in baptism, we have a new life in Him. Through baptism we were buried with Christ and rose to life with Him. We repent of our sin, renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, and reject the evil powers of this world. Today we are all taking on a new responsibility by witnessing Johan becoming a member of the the church family. We affirm that we will keep him our prayers and do everything possible to increase his faith, confirm his hope and raise him in the knowledge and grace of God.
Here today and now, in the witness of this church and the presence of the Triune God, we claim Johan to be part of the family of God. This is a marker for declaring his identity. We, who are all God's children by one baptism are witnesses to this and we trust this baby into His mighty hands that no evil will touch him, or will take him away from God ever.
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