Buy my books " Joy in the Journey " and " Song in the Night" on Amazon now 20% goes to missions Experiencing sound quality issues? Please Click here When Everything Seems to be against us "Jacob said to them, “You have deprived me of my children. Joseph is no more and Simeon is no more, and now you want to take Benjamin. Everything is against me!” (Genesis 42:36) Do you ever have those days, weeks, or months when your whole world seems to be crashing down around you? The times when where everything you do seems to go against the way you want. Everything seems to go wrong at that time. A newspaper reported an accident like this; "Driver gets in a wreck, sees his home catch fire, gets a ticket and ends up in hospital" (ROCK ISLAND, Tenn.Fri May 9, 2008) - Justin Hill, 42, got into a crash after turning into the path of an oncoming car Tuesday even...