Buy my books " Joy in the Journey " and " Song in the Night" on Amazon now 20% goes to missions Experiencing sound quality issues? Please Click here A Big Need and a Small Budget The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle of the Lord that is recorded in all four gospels. Turning water into wine is the only miracle that is recorded just in John’s Gospel. This story describes Phillip as a mediator. This doesn’t mean that Philip was in any way superior or better, but because Philip was local to that community, a native of that area, Bethsaida. (Ref. John 1:44 “Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida”). Philip was the logical one to be asked because Philip was from this area and he would know where to go and buy food. Just like Mary in the wedding at Cana, this should not lead us into any more ...