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Showing posts from November, 2021

Gratefulness is acknowledging God's goodness

Buy my book   " Joy in the Journey " on Amazon now 20% goes to missions               Experiencing sound quality issues?  Please Click here   David's prayer of Thanksgiving       “When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.” is a famous Vietnamese proverb.  David is considered to be the greatest King of Israel's history who lived around 1060-970 BC.  He has led the nation after being chosen as successor to King Saul who failed in his leadership and in his obedience to God.  David was only a teenager, about 15 years old while tending his father's sheep as a shepherd boy that he was called and anointed as king by prophet Samuel. He ruled the nation of Israel for forty years (I Kings 2:11)  until his death at age 70 in 970 BC.  In the Books of Samuel, David gains fame first as a musician and later as a warrior by killing the giant Goliath. David be...

In Defense of a Disreputable Woman

Buy my book   " Joy in the Journey " on Amazon now 20% goes to missions               Experiencing sound quality issues?  Please Click here   In Defense of a Disreputable Woman      A woman in the Bible who has no name but being portrayed as deplorable and has been a victim of bad reputation. She has seen her life collapse - she has lost ten children, seen the family fortune disappear, and her husband has a rather disgusting disease with bad smells and slimy sores all over his body. There are only three verses in the Book of Job in reference to Job's wife; they are Job 2:9 (curse God and die), Job 19:17 (My breath is offensive to my wife}  and Job 31:10 (may my wife grind another man's grain). She is not looked upon as a good person. I've heard many preachers and theologians who use Job's wife as an example of a lousy wife. She is the one who told Job to deny God and die. Many Bible...