Buy my book " Joy in the Journey " on Amazon now 20% goes to missions Experiencing sound quality issues? Please Click here The Lord's prayer:Part II - Thy Kingdom Come Jesus taught his disciples how to pray Matthew 6:9-13: Luke 11:2-4 This is often called the 'Lord’s Prayer' although this is not a prayer that Jesus prayed or he would need to pray. This is a prayer that He taught the disciples to pray. Jesus dos not need forgiveness from sins as we humans do. The Lords prayer is sweet, short and to the point. The Prayer Jesus taught has two main parts - one that acknowledges who God is and His majesty. The other part acknowledges who we are are our needs are. Thefirst part praises God for who He is and thanks Him for what He does for us. The second part acknowledges who we are, and how much we need Him in our lives. Thy Kingdom Come The Kingdom of...