Buy my book " Joy in the Journey " on Amazon now 20% goes to missions Several of the structural designers of the original World Trade Center was attending a conference in St. Louis. During the question and answer period a person asked to one of the chief engineers if he had any regrets about the design of the building. When asked this question, the chief structural engineer broke down and in tears he said, that he wished somehow they had made the buildings stronger. "If only", he said, "the buildings could have lasted another hour." Much of our efforts and accomplishments as humans are directed toward building monuments to our insecurities. The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, the Israeli-Gaza wall, and the wall and the electronic fence being erected along the U.S. border with Mexico are all symbols of human insecurities. Babel Tower was probably built about 100 years after the great flood at Noah’s time. After the flood, t...