Buy my book " Joy in the Journey " on Amazon now 20% goes to missions The Bible and the Jewish Torah, both begin with the words "In the Beginning God." (Barshit Elohim). It does not say that in the beginning there was God. Rig Veda (1500 BC) on the other hand says, "In the beginning was God." ( Prajapatir vai idam asit : In the beginning was Brahman or God. Tasya vag dvitya asit: with whom was the Vag or the Word). The difference should be noted here between the Eastern religion and Judeo-Christian belief. God does not have a begnning or an end; in fact He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. The Bible also says "In the beginning was the Word." (John 1:1). The beginning as we can comprehend is the beginning with the creation of the Universe, earth and all things in it. The Soviet Union sent Yuri Gagarin to space. They announced "Why should you clutch at God? Look, Gagarin flew in space and saw...