A Hollywood maternity shop received this note in the mail: "Dear Sirs, you have not yet delivered that maternity dress I ordered. Please cancel the order. My delivery was faster than yours." Sometimes, we get deliveries, faster than we expected. Unexpected deliveries will change our plans and strategies. Mary had to change her plans because the delvery of the baby happened at the most unexpected and unplanned time of her life. Luke 2:6 "While they were in Bethlehem, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them."
Luke says that Mary went into labor and gave birth to her first born son, while she was in Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem for the census and to be taxed. Paying exorbitnat taxes to a foreign goverment was not something they probably wanted to do; it’s something they had to do. Jesus came in the dead middle of Joseph and Mary doing something else. I bet Mary wished this scene were different. Like most first time mothers, I bet she should would have loved having her own mother or some friends around. She went to Bethlehem because of Joseph who took her as wife. He was the one from the family of David who needed to register for the census. Mary didn't ask for that trip. When they got to Bethlehem there was not one room available! The first Christmas happened amongst a thousand little annoyances for those who were involved. So often we think that inconvience cannot possibly be part of God's will. If there was ever an event which was the will of God, we know it should be the birth of the savior.
Jesus was born in the middle of inconveniences and He continues to come in the middle of our incoveniences. Scripture tells us of how Jesus came by and disciples “immediately left their nets and followed them.” (Matthew 4:20) And when Matthew was at the receipt of custom, and Jesus called, he got up and followed him. (Matthew 9:9). And in the old testament, Elisha was called while working in the fields. (1 Kings 19). Moses and David were called while they were tending sheep. The scripture is replete with the truth that God will speaks and calls people times and places inconvenience. Because, the truth is that if Jesus only showed up when I thought I was ready for Him to show up, He would never get a chance. He can never come because my life is always busy and overcrowded with the details. There is a baseline messiness to life, but thank Jesus that He doesnt wait. Jesus comes to you where you are too. God’s purpose will not rest on my ability to find God, but on God's faithfulness to find me. Jesus will come to you in the mess of your life.
God's convenience may become our inconvenience many times. I am sure all of you can tell stories. Moses and David would probably have been rich people with sheep, camels, goats and cattle. Instead they both became great leaders of people. Paul would have risen in the ranks of Judaism and died an important Jewish leader. But after the encounter with Jesus, he went from being the persecutor to being the persecuted. Peter would have fished every day and died an old man with many grandchildren. Instead he became the martyr and the rock on which God builds His church. God simply calls people out of their inconvenience to His convenience because there is a fullness of time in God's plan. Jesus was born at the fullness of time. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we all might receive the adoption as sons and daughters” (Galatians 4:4).
God's call comes when we seem to be the busiest, but God is busier at work for us an in us. What we do is important. But what God does while we are busy doing our own things, is more important. We must be careful lest our hectic schedules filled with shopping, parties, and other special events leave no time for the purpose of Advent. Advent is not about us filling our time full but rather about taking time to remember how God fills time fullness to overflowing: “In the fullness of time, God sent forth his Son” (Gal. 4:4). Jesus doesn’t come to us when we get our ducks in a row or when there’s no rain on our parade or when the house is cleaned and the kids are well-behaved. Jesus doesn’t come when my insecurities have been addressed and inner turmoil and anxiety are settled. Jesus comes when He comes. And, thank heavens, that’s good news that Jesus did not wait, and He came to where I was. That is the Good News According to Advent. God's Dreams for you Are Bigger Than Yours. Thank heavens for an inconvenient God! My dear friends, when things get too inconvenient, you can hear the angels sing, if you pay attention. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill.”
Uncertain times life is when God is working busy for us. The message of Christmas is that "Jesus is born and peace and Goodwill to all" in the middle of our inconveniences. Let's say like Mary said with absolute trust: “‘I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled’” (Luke 1:38).
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YouTube: Mathew Philip
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