The book of Daniel is full of stories about how God's servants showed radiance on their face in desolate circumstances. Desolation means a state of bleak and dismal emptiness. Radiance on a person's face brings a ray of hope and purpose in such situations. Daniel prayed to God, “Let your face shine upon your desolate sanctuary” (Dan 9:17). Jesus said, "When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place, let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." (Matthew 24:15). The 'abomination of desolation' is mentioned three times in the book of Daniel, 9:27, 11:31 and 12:11.
Jews are a group that was persecuted and scattered through history. They were taken as slaves many times to Egypt, Babylon, Syria and Rome. Over one millon Jews were killed by Emperor Titus who invaded in 70 AD. They were scattered all over the earth without a land to call their own. During the second world war, under Hitler's holocaust, millions of Jews were tortured and killed. They finally founded their own country in 1948, and on their founding day, they were attacked on all their borders by the united forces of all the neighboring muslim countries. Through it all, they bounced back, as the country of Israel now, raising their flag daily that carries the Star of David with greater radiance and brightness as ever, always holding on to their faith at the threat of their lives.
The four Hebrew boys in the Book of Daniel knew first hand the abomination in desolation. They were taken as captives to an idol worshipping land, were given new home, new food and new names. The natural response of people in such a situation would be to contest, complain or give up. But these men chose a different path. They chose to shine brighter with radiance in the face of abomonation. As Jesus said, they ran up to the mountains to rise above the situation and acted on a higher plane. They responded with gentleness and respect. They came up with newer options to keep their faith from compromise. Instead of making demands or refusing to eat the palace food, they asked for vegetables. They asked for a chance to test and prove their radiance with lean diet. Their faces looked shinier and healthier than the people who feasted on the king’s food.
The Hebrew men had a courageous faith that was also courteous. Many believers become arrogant and self righteous. Steadfast faith is a long term investment. One does not trade it for short term benefits or enjoyment. It is like a thermostat that controls the environment, unlike a thermometer that moves up and down with the outside temperature. By His power, may we change the spiritual and moral temperature around us through a courageous and courteous faith. Our attitudes and responses bring warmth in cold situations. It brings cool air in the hot and burning situations of life. The four young men's faces shone with radiance after their test was over. They brought light and hope in the midst of desolation and hopelessness. As Jesus said. rise to the mountain top when you see desolation around you. Unlike in the valley, the mountain top can give a higher vantage point and new perspectives. Christians ought to live on a higher plain than the world around them.
In our walk of faith, we may be forced to take journeys to certain Babylon experiences, a far away place that you may feel uncomfortable and unpleasant. As children of God, we show the radiant light of the love of God to shine through the dark situation. The Babylonians could change their homes, their diet, their names, and their education, but they could never change their hearts and radiance of their faith! They became agents of change in a Godless and pagan land.
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