"Faith is simple and religion complicates it", says an author. When Jesus taught the disciples about having faith like a mustard seed (Luke 17), he was not saying faith comes in varying quantities, as in small, medium or super-sized. This is how so many religious people have mistakenly taught and understood His words. They teach that if you have a little bit more faith, your problem would be solved, or your sickness would be healed. Jesus is actually teaching about lack of faith and not sizes of faith. To be sure, faith the size of a mustard seed is better than no faith at all. The kind of teaching that one's size of faith was the cause of a disaster or sickness or death has turned many people against the church and God. It produces guilt and people have been hurt by such teachings. We have been raised in a culture that says bigger is better—that size is the truest measure of success. It takes a strong person to resist that trend, especially if he or she is laboring ...